Welcome to PS 176


Click the picture to navigate to our NYC PS Reads family resource site. This site also offers information on our new reading and writing curriculum, HMH: Into Reading!


  • Respect For All Week- Please see the attached flyer for more information

    At PS 176, we’re full of cheer,
    It’s Respect for All Week, let’s give a loud cheer!
    A week of fun, where kindness takes the lead,
    Here’s what we’ll do — you won’t want to miss a deed!

    Monday, 2/10, it’s Team Day we say,
    Let’s join together and make a great play!
    We’ll show respect by working as one,
    Together, we shine — let’s have some fun!

    Tuesday, 2/11, let’s Mix It Up,
    New faces, new friends — pour your cup!
    Respecting each other, no matter the place,
    We’ll celebrate everyone, with a smiling face!

    Wednesday, 2/12, it’s Twin Day galore,
    Dress the same, it’s a friendship encore!
    Respect for all, no matter our pair,
    We’re stronger together, let’s show we care!

    Thursday, 2/13, it’s Heritage Day to see,
    Celebrate cultures, proud and free!
    Respect for our roots, for all that we share,
    It’s our differences that make us all care!

    Friday, 2/14, it’s Love One Another Day,
    And No One Eats Alone, come what may!
    Sharing kindness, respect all around,
    In our hearts, love and respect will abound.

    So come on, PS 176, let’s give it a try,
    A week full of respect, reaching up to the sky!
    From Monday to Friday, let’s make it clear,
    Respect for all — let’s spread it far and near!


    Please see attached flyers!

  • Pop Up Food Pantry December 26

    Please click here  for more information!

  • Winter Concert

    Please come to our annual
    Winter Concert
    on Thursday,
    December 19, 2024
    There will be 2 performances
    9:00 AM and 12:30 PM
    Come and watch our
    talented children perform!
    Please remember to
    bring a photo ID
    Also remember,
    carriages are not
    allowed in the building.
    See you on

  • Kindergarten Open House

    Come one, come all, to see and explore,
    Our Kindergarten fun, and so much more!
    At P.S. 176, we’ll show you around,
    Where learning and laughter are always found.

    Mark your calendars, don’t be late,
    December 20th is the date!
    At 11:30 a.m., we’ll greet you with cheer,
    We can’t wait to see you, and have you near!

  • Pivot to Remote: Practice Run

    Dear Parents,

    We want to inform you about an important upcoming event regarding remote learning. On November 4, 2024, our District 20 schools will participate in a technology readiness activity.

    Key points to note:

    *Students will still attend school on this day.
    *Teachers will assign remote homework to be completed at home.
    *If your child needs a device for remote learning, please contact your school for assistance.

    For more details, please read the attached memo.

    Have a fantastic day filled with smiles and sunshine!

  • NOTE: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS November 7, 2024

    Please see the attached memo!

  • Happy Climate Action Day!

    Click here to check out Leo and Tia's Quick Motion video, Titled DON'T WASTE WATER !

  • Computer Science Activities for the Summer!!

    Here at PS 176 we are dedicated to 21st Century Learning. 

    Why is Computer Science education so important you might ask? 

    "As technology continues to evolve at an accelerated pace, transforming the way we live and work in the process, we find ourselves navigating the challenges of an always-changing digital landscape. Understanding the principles of computing is quickly becoming an essential skill. It provides people with a keen understanding of how technology impacts their lives, empowers them to become full participants in society, and unlocks a wide range of career opportunities. This is especially true for today’s students, who will rely on computing skills throughout their lives, making it necessary for them to have opportunities to learn Computer Science (CS)."

    Looking for some totally awesome Computer Science activities to engage in with your child this summer? Click here for a ton of fun and learning!

  • Books! Books! AND MORE BOOKS! We love books!

    Click here to see our kids enjoying their new books!

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Quick Links

Makers Lab.  Online Learning.  Staff Directory.

Contact Us

School Hours:

Monday - Fridays

8:00am - 2:20pm


1225 Bay Ridge Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219




*You can also connect with your teachers directly using the Staff Directory.